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Recently on IRC

Items discussed during last month and a half on IRC:

squishedlunch wants to contribute. Some tips from noahm: testing,

Migration to new AWS account - new cloud front name/DNS for mirrors

Discussion about Docker registry, lifecycle of containers, etc.

Question from new user: Why FAI and not (something other)?

Why there is no AMIs for Buster.

Discussion about different ways of registering images in AWS.
Is it better to use CopyImage or CopySnaphot?
Import Snapshot, assume role, etc.
IAM cross-account might be hard :-) (including setting 2FA)
But at the end looks like it worked
API keys

Marketplace AMI and lightsail (not definite answer for now).

Some discussion about cloud-init.

apt-transport-s3 is now in Python 3 (as Debian removes Python2).

After upgrading kernel cloud images also need reboot.

Terraform vs. per-provider solutions (CloudFormation for now).
Terraform is used for mirrors and existing accounts.

Elastic IPs and buckets used to crate and register images.
And default VPC

Problems with libvirt and cloud-init, user data and meta data on ISO

Access to MiniCloud in Brasil, with PPC64 CPUs.

Packaging of Image Finder and its dependencies.

I remind that next IRC meeting will take place on 2019-11-20, at

Best regards.

Tomasz Rybak, Debian Developer <serpent@debian.org>
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