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Re: Presenting Debian to the user at cloud provider marketplaces

On 7/5/19 10:00 PM, Bastian Blank wrote:
> Hi folks
> I'd would like some input on how to present Debian at some of the cloud
> providers, namely Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services.
> The current state:
> On Azure we never really made an effort on how to present it.  The
> Marketplace page is pretty empty:
> https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/credativ.debian?tab=Overview
> https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/credativ.debian?tab=PlansAndPrice

I'm sorry for what I have to say, but I really have to.

I don't like at all to see "provided by credativ." Even though we,
internally, know that you've worked on this, and even that you've been
paid for that work, and moreover, we are probably all very happy that
the credativ-microsoft relation is doing well and is productive, I still
have a problem with this.

Why must Debian users on Azure see the word "credativ"? To me, it's as
if I uploaded the OpenStack image to cdimage.debian.org, with filename
"openstack-debian-image-provided-by-zigo.qcow2". This feels completely

Can this be removed?

> While this example page is for Debian 8 and 9, future version will each
> get a separate page.  For this I already made some modifications, which
> I can't show right now:
> Title: Debian 10 "Buster"
> Summary: Debian: The universal operating system
> Some mostly acurate info what you can do is listed in the
> documentation.[1]
> On AWS someone cited Wikipedia and did a pretty bad job in setting up
> the logo:
> https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B073HW9SP3

I very much thanks you for adding debian-publicity@ in the loop. IMO,
that's not something that we should just decide among just ourselves.

The same way, I'd love to have marketing / publicity people involved in
writing the Debian description over here:


I surely did a poor job in promoting Debian, and there's a lot of room
for improvements.


Thomas Goirand

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