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Re: locales vs. locales-all

On Sat, 2019-01-26 at 22:19 +0100, Emmanuel Kasper wrote:
> Then if this case, maybe we could remove the AcceptEnv LANG LC_* from
> sshd_config ?

  I systematically deactivate sshd's AcceptEnv because I like the principle
of least-surprise, and locales are a big part of the surprising context and
source of many subtle bugs. It works in my context where mostly admins use
SSH and we prefer the 'universal english' messages although we're not native
english speakers. But that's a very specific context and I'm not sure if the
cloud images want to reflect that.

  Meanwhile Debian has always been very good and proficient at promoting a
wide support for many languages, thus I think it would be considered rude to
 remove locale passing thru SSH in the cloud images - plus it's always been
there... So IMHO let's keep "AcceptEnv LANG LC_*" and I'll keep deactivating
it on my side :).

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