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Re: Proposal: Publishing Lifecycle Guidelines along with Cloud Images

On 2018-10-23 12:34:59, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:

> A lifecycle guideline COULD look like this:

I think that what you wrote makes sense. Aligning life cycle of the cloud images
with main line Debian should be clear and plainly stated.

|_|0|_|                                                  |
|_|_|0|                  "Panta rei"                     |
|0|0|0|             -------- kuLa --------               |

gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x686930DD58C338B3
3DF1  A4DF  C732  4688  38BC  F121  6869  30DD  58C3  38B3

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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