Bug#850790: cloud.debian.org: Distribute Debian cloud images to LXD
Package: cloud.debian.org
I have set up LXD to test Ubuntu images. For more info, see Stephane's
tutorials from last year. [1]
The standard Ubuntu images are the Ubuntu cloud images. I tried
testing a Debian image, but it was too basic to be useful without more
work. I expected it to have openssh-server and cloud-init installed.
I think it would be good if the official Debian cloud images could be
distributed as the default Debian in the LXD image archive.
Using cloud-init with LXD works like this, assuming you have a
cloud-init-config.yml ready.
$ lxc init images:debian/stretch FOO
$ lxc config set FOO user.user-data - < cloud-init-config.yml
$ lxc start FOO
And if you wanted to see how it works already with Ubuntu, use this
first line instead:
$ lxc init ubuntu:16.04 FOO
[1] https://www.stgraber.org/2016/03/11/lxd-2-0-blog-post-series-012/
Jeremy Bicha
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