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AWS EC2: Debian Stretch 9.0~20160923 AMIs for testing

Hi all,

As I think I made some reasonable progress with having Stretch AMIs.

I'd like to piggyback on James call for testing Jessie 8.6 image and call for
the same for the Stretch images (list below)

Please give them a try and report back any issues.

| us-east-1       | ami-add0abba |
| us-west-2       | ami-84439fe4 |
| ap-northeast-2  | ami-914f9aff |
| eu-central-1    | ami-2f40bd40 |
| eu-west-1       | ami-440d4837 |
| ap-northeast-1  | ami-703fed11 |
| ap-southeast-2  | ami-57c0f034 |
| ap-south-1      | ami-60c4b10f |
| ap-southeast-1  | ami-6155f002 |
| us-west-1       | ami-25317f45 |
| sa-east-1       | ami-8675e6ea |


|_|0|_|                                                  |
|_|_|0|                  "Panta rei"                     |
|0|0|0|             -------- kuLa --------               |

gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x686930DD58C338B3
3DF1  A4DF  C732  4688  38BC  F121  6869  30DD  58C3  38B3

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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