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Re: questions about bootstrap-vz

On 2016-09-23 12:18:10, Tim Sattarov wrote:
> Hello,


> I'm stuck with a couple of tasks related to EC2 image building with
> bootstrap-vz:
> 1) What would be the best way configuring default mirrors for apt ?
> I see that sources.list is generated by cloud-init, which has
> httpdredir.debian.org, I want to change it to cloudfront.debian.net.
> So far I tried to add these lines to manifest:
>     commands:
>       commands:
>               - [ '/bin/sed -i
> "s/http:\/\/httpredir.debian.org/https:\/\/cloudfront.debian.net/g"
> /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg']
>               - [ 'cat /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg']
> the second command outputs expected contents, but when I mount snapshot
> - it still has "httpredir" line in it.

I think you're over complicating this, have a look in here (for bootstaping)
and here (for mirror you want to use within your image)

In both cases look for 'mirror' setting

> 2) Here:[1] I'm asking to add generated AMI id to the output. The answer
> I get - it is possible via third party plugin. I couldn't find any, what
> do you use to get AMI id generated by bootstrap-vz ?

I don't think such plugin exists (yet)

> 1: https://github.com/andsens/bootstrap-vz/issues/271

Reading through the above issue I'd say that for now should suffice for you
just using awscli with some filtering, but I agree that outputting AMI id would
be nice addition.

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