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Re: AWS EC2: 8.3 image for testing - fixed root resize, etc (was Re: AWS EC2: Jessie 8.2 image for testing)

На  4.03.2016 в 03:31, James Bromberger написа:
On 3/03/2016 6:58 PM, Ognyan Kulev wrote:
На 19.02.2016 в 17:11, James Bromberger написа:
On 17/02/2016 11:17 PM, James Bromberger wrote:
|AMI generated in US East 1 and shared publicly: |ami-f0e7d19a

In https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B00WUNJIEE/ and AMI listings,
OS info is not updated:
Latest Version: 8.3
Operating System: Linux/Unix, Debian 8.1
On the second line it should be either just "8" or "8.x" or updated

AMI product description is something that inexperienced in EC2 or Debian would read carefully and sometimes makes decisions based on that description. This makes it worth improving. Here are my thoughts on that.

Product highlights in its current form is not very helpful: "24 months work" is not product highlight, product doesn't compete with Debian 7 anymore, everybody uses systemd now, and redirecting to somewhere on the web is inconvenient. From this list, I suggest only the following to be left as the first highlight:

* Debian 8 (code name Jessie) will be supported for the next 5 years thanks to the combined work of the Debian Security team and of the Debian Long Term Support team.

Next highlight is that this is as close to mainline Debian as possible (wording could be better I guess):

* Default minimal Debian installation that doesn't deviate from mainline Debian except the following enhancements:

Next is the short list of changes compared to mainline, taken from https://wiki.debian.org/Cloud/AmazonEC2Image/Jessie :

* SR-IOV images for HVM - enhanced Networking is enabled by default

* Multiple ENI support - DHCP client is configured to support the number of network interfaces the instance supports (up to 8), hot plugged with udev

* Multiple sub-interfaces - DHCP client is configured to support multiple IP addresses per interface

* AWS CLI is installed by default

* Python-boto is installed by default

* apt-transport-https is installed; you can change your sources.list to https://cloudfront.debian.net (or other https site) if you wish!

Usage Instructions must mention the "admin" user.

* Once the instance is running, connect to it as user "admin" using a Secure Shell (SSH) client with the configured SSH key.

I recommend there to be a link to https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-handbook/ :

The Debian Administrator's Handbook <https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-handbook/> is recommended for understanding and configuring your new instance.

Personally, I would recommend to suggest the following two commands to Usage Instructions. Note that the first one is mostly cosmetic (reducing ps list) and about Debian-specific systemd service: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=772700

# systemctl mask getty-static.service
# dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Best regards,

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