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Re: HVM images on official Debian account

On 3/05/2015 4:23 PM, Ognyan Kulev wrote:

When someone searches official Debian account and goes to https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B00AA27RK4/ , it shows the freshly released version 8 and this is great. But the offered images cannot be used for t2.* instances. Probably the image is not HVM.

Could you please use HVM images by default, so that people that don't go through https://wiki.debian.org/Cloud/AmazonEC2Image/Jessie to benefit?

HVM is the primary image type and has already been provided to the AWS Marketplace team for listing (both PVM and HVM were passed to them simultaneously in the "product load" data set). HVM should be the default - PVM images are provided for "legacy" (customers with Reserved Instance committments on PVM based instance types).  AWS Marketplace is also now telling me they can mark root volumes as detatchable (so I have asked them to do so).


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