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Re: AWS EC2: Debian 7.4 AMIs now available

Hi this is brilliant news thanks for all these.

I do have one question. I just booted the following

EU-West-1:  ami-80d322f7 x86_64 S3 PVM

and it appears to only have a 1GB root partition as opposed to the EBS backed that has 8GB

Can I ask why?

On 9 February 2014 14:57, James Bromberger <james@rcpt.to> wrote:

Hash: SHA1
Hello Debian cloud,

Following on the release of Debian 7.4 earlier this weekend, I am pleased to produce the updated list of AMIs in all EC2 Regions worldwide, with the current exception of US Gov Cloud which will hopefully happen over the course of this week. Please note that AWS Marketplace images will also take a little while until they are updated.

This release (7.4) expands the number of AMIs that we are producing, and the number of Regions! Debian AMIs for Amazon EC2 now cover:
* 32 bit, persistent Elastic Block Store (EBS) root file system, Para-virtualization
* 64 bit, persistent Elastic Block Store (EBS) root file system, Para-virtualization
* 64 bit, Instance Store (S3 backed) root file system, Para-virtualization
* 64 bit, persistent Elastic Block Store (EBS) root file system, Hardware virtualization (HVM)

New this release, hello Beijing, also known as the cn-north-1 Region! I'm not going to build 32 bit PVM EBS AMIs in Beijing at this time (multiarch within amd64 may take care of most requirements for 32 bit). However, if you do require 32 bit in Beijing, please let me know!

Here's the list - and this is also on https://wiki.debian.org/Cloud/AmazonEC2Image/Wheezy - but this email is GPG signed and the Wiki is not - these AMIs are from account AWS account 379101102735 in regions except US Gov Cloud and Beijing:

Type:           i386 EBS PVM     x86_64 EBS PVM  x86_64 S3 PVM    x86_64 EBS HVM
US-East-1:      ami-1f675d76     ami-d3675dba     ami-655a600c     ami-9f675df6
US-West-1:      ami-9ed0eddb     ami-6ed3ee2b     ami-46c7fa03     ami-76d3ee33
US-West-2:      ami-72204242     ami-de2042ee     ami-68026058     ami-22214312
EU-West-1:      ami-1af0016d     ami-9ef001e9     ami-80d322f7     ami-76f30201
AP-Southeast-1: ami-a2a3f5f0     ami-18a0f64a     ami-34aafc66     ami-06a0f654
AP-Southeast-2: ami-6b3ea051     ami-b33ea089     ami-3d3aa407     ami-a93ea093
AP-Northeast-1: ami-e5a3c9e4     ami-67a6cc66     ami-f780eaf6     ami-d7a6ccd6
SA-East-1:      ami-6517b778     ami-9717b78a     ami-771bbb6a     ami-8f17b792
CN-North-1:     -                ami-bcb32185     -                ami-beb32187

As always, thanks to Anders and all other contributors - this was produced with the bootstrap-vz script. Note that I have not installed Non-Free GPU drivers for the g1 instance, and the HVM AMI is currently not permitted on the new G2 GPU instance type(s). I'm working on that so please stay tuned.

Feedback welcome!

- --
/Mobile:/ +61 422 166 708, /Email:/ james_AT_rcpt.to
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


Alistair Prestidge

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