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Re: why aren't Debian AMIs eligible for the free tier on Amazon?

On 23/06/2013 10:18 AM, Brian Gupta wrote:
On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 10:10 PM, Eric Cooper <ecc@cmu.edu> wrote:
On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 03:14:09PM -0700, Eric Hammond wrote:
You should be able to run any EBS boot AMI on a t1.micro under the
free tier.
If you run something through the AWS Marketplace, there may be
additional charges.
Debian is listed first under "Popular AMIs on AWS Marketplace", but as
you say that incurs a cost.  Ubuntu, Red Hat, etc. are listed as
options for the Classic and Quick Launch Wizards and are free for a
year.  Is there any reason why Debian can't be among those?
If you could follow the instructions in James' thread, perhaps we
could get enough interest in getting Amazon to allow this.

Good morning all,

The Debian AMI in the AWS Marketplace attracts $0 fees above the standard compute charges; if you run this on a micro instance during the 1st year of your account, this is free (http://aws.amazon.com/free). Thanks Eric H for pointing this out overnight my time. ;)

If you don't want to use the AWS Marketplace, you can use the (identical) AMIs directly from the Debian AWS account, as shown on http://wiki.debian.org/Cloud/AmazonEC2Image/Wheezy for Wheezy images. The main point is that the account on AWS that is sharing this AMIs is ID 379101102735. You can search all public (community) AMIs for the string "379101102735/" and should find what you're looking for.

Thus far the Debian AMI in the Marketplace has been very popular; it appears that we have the trust of our users in this way. I've said before, but the image is completely 100% DFSG compliant base Debian + the script to get the SSH keys, resize the root filesystem (if you chose something bigger than 8GB on boot), and execute the UserData bootstrap script (if it starts with #!). It does not support cloud-init, as we don't yet have cloud-init in main; we could generate an AMI with it if we want (see below - future options). An intersting stat - the AMIs we currently have in our account for 6.0.6, 6.0.7, 7.0, and 7.1, in 32 and 64 bit (all EBS root volumes, paravirtualization), in 9 Regions (yes, we are in GovCloud now) comprises over 500 GB of AMI images.

I've just had approval to come to DebConf in a few weeks (from here in Australia), so I hope we can run a good couple of Cloud-agnostic and Debian on AWS BoFs and determine what we want to do in some face-to-face meetings! Very much looking forward to this, and I hope to bring some more stats and info on what AWS has done, and can do in future. One item we should talk about is expiring oldstable point releases (eg 6.0.6) and keeping the final point release only of each major release (ie: 6.0.7).

I'd also love if we can get some more testing on the CDN for Debian I have set up that caches ftp.debian.org - for both on-cloud, and off-cloud hosts: http://cloudfront.debian.org/. I'll show people who I have managed to keep thinks like Packages and Index files and listings fresh (low TTL expiry), while caching packages and other items for far longer in CloudFront (http://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront). I know there was some question about the Releases file having a different timestamp to the /debian/project/trace file - but the caching differences there are around 10 seconds at most (again, the TTLs of objects as mentioned above).

As to the mail that Brian kindly referenced, the positioning of the Debian AMIs in the Quickstart menu is  totally different subject; and that's what I am gathering account numbers for so I can show customer demand - in addition to the stats in the AWS Marketplace.

Mobile: +61 422 166 708, Email: james_AT_rcpt.to

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