Re: AWS marketplace images and high-IO instances
On 09/30/2013 06:56 AM, James Bromberger wrote:
> Hi Luke,
> We (Debian) currently have only generated official PVM
> (paravirtualization) based AMIs on AWS, and have yet to make an HVM
> images - which is what the larger instance types require.
> Right now I am slowly working on getting the switch to
> build-debian-cloud to use the python implementation for AWS AMIs - and
> to pull in cloud-init from backports (almost done - just need to finish
> writing my sed plugin - should be done in the next week or so in time
> for Wheezy 7.2). After that I'd like to finish S3 backed AMIs, and then
> HVM EBS 64 bit.
> I love your point on signed AMI IDs. I'll post a signed message when I
> generate them (my previous emails to this list have included IDs, but
> haven't been signed)
> As always, patches (pull requests) welcome:
> Thanks for the feedback - keep it coming! :)
> James
Hi James,
Could you try the image I built at Debconf on the HVM instances?
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