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Re: Fwd: Notice: A version of Debian GNU/Linux is nearing the end of its support life cycle

> If you are currently using 6.0.6 and wish to upgrade to a version that will continue to be supported by Debian, please follow these upgrade instructions.
Have we actually ever tested this? There *shouldn't* be any problems but I honestly haven't ever tried dist-upgrading my AMIs.


On 29 March 2013 08:32, James Bromberger <james@rcpt.to> wrote:
On 29/03/2013 2:33 PM, Brian Gupta wrote:
Hey James, just wanted to confirm that the plan isn't to actively
retire the AMIs as we ship new ones? It's probably not a huge deal
yet, as I don't know how many folks are using these in production yet,
but many folks bake AMIs into service orchestration and automation
frameworks, and even stuff like autoscaling groups. Having the AMIs go
away isn't great. Having them stop being featured for new users
looking for Debian is fine and preferred.

My request was for them to discontinue advertising 6.0.6 AMIs, but that they may stay available for anyone who has them in ASG and CloudFormation, etc. So I'm interested to see if the old AMIs are still accessible after the 29th June.  We shall see... and adjust accordingly.

Mobile: +61 422 166 708, Email: james_AT_rcpt.to

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