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Re: Re: Gsoc proposal from Charles

On 2013-03-21 16:26:14 -0600 (-0600), Bdale Garbee wrote:
> For what it's worth, friends who work on HP Cloud have asked me a
> couple of times for ideas about providing access to their services
> for projects like this. If we end up with a GSoC project, or
> anything else for that matter, where having some time on HP Cloud
> might seem interesting, I'll be happy to make suitable
> introductions.

I'm similarly happy to put people in touch with the right resources
in HPCloud, as I work there myself--there's always a lot of interest
in helping out with things like GSoC. For that matter I have
contacts at most of the larger OpenStack based providers, and expect
any of them would jump at the chance to donate services.
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