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On `clj`'s dependency on GNU Readline


After my previous email, and reflecting on the (IMHO, sad) fact that
Clojure's license (the EPL 1.0) is not GPL-compatible, I remembered
the case of Common LISP, which was relicensed as GPL-compatible due to
depending on GNU Readline [5].

[5]: https://gitlab.com/gnu-clisp/clisp/-/blob/master/doc/Why-CLISP-is-under-GPL

So, I wonder... Would `clj`'s dependency on GNU Readline imply the
requirement for it to be distributed under a GPL-compatible license -
or, even more, under the GPL itself?
(Whereas I am not a lawyer, and this is no legal advice, the closest
GPL-compatible license to the EPL 1.0 I can think of is the Apache


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