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Recognizing 10 Years of Debian + Cinnamon

This is a couple months off the exact date, but I thought it was notable regardless.  On May 17, 2012, Debian User Forums member “ulsigem” posted a sourceforge link containing deb files for the new Cinnamon desktop environment.  They were intended for use in the then-upcoming Debian 7 Wheezy. 


Cinnamon, formerly known as Mint GNOME Shell Extensions (MGSE), was released for Linux Mint on December 20, 2011.  Clem described the project in this way: "There's a new generation of desktops out there, including Gnome Shell and Unity. These desktops are shiny, they look good and they're slowly gaining popularity. They're based on new and exciting technologies but they also come with a cost... they're re-inventing the way we use our computer. It's neither right or wrong of course, but it will only appeal to a certain category of users.. and there are a lot of people out there, myself included, who aren't convinced the traditional desktops were bad and who are concerned about not having a choice as more and more people switch towards these new technologies. With Cinnamon we're jumping on these new technologies and we're able to provide something that looks as modern as Unity and Shell, without reinventing the wheel when it comes to user experience."  


I’d like to thank the Debian Cinnamon maintainers, past and present, for keeping this efficient no-nonsense DE up and running.  In particular, the current group including Fabio Fantoni, Joshua Peisach, Christoph Martin and those I may have missed.

Regards, Matt

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