Bug#908234: cjs: Please switch to mozjs78
Control: retitle 908234 cjs: Please switch to mozjs78
On Mon, 17 Aug 2020 at 09:31:05 +0100, Simon McVittie wrote:
> On Fri, 07 Sep 2018 at 12:23:17 -0400, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> > Ideally, cjs would switch to using mozjs60. I understand this will
> > require coordination with the Cinnamon developers.
> Make that mozjs68, now.
And another Firefox ESR release cycle. We now have mozjs78 in unstable
and in use by gjs; this is the version that GNOME will be using in
Debian 11 'bullseye', unless the freeze happens much later than expected.
This means we now have:
mozjs52: cjs
(mozjs60 removed)
mozjs68: a libproxy plugin that doesn't actually work (probably removed soon)
mozjs78: gjs, policykit-1/experimental
We hope to remove mozjs68 soon, leaving only mozjs52 (for cjs) and mozjs78
(for gjs and policykit-1).
Releasing bullseye with both those versions maybe wouldn't be *so* bad,
but the GNOME team doesn't really have the resources to deal with more
than one version (we'd prefer not to maintain mozjs78 either, but we
need it and nobody else seems to want it, so we have to); so we might
well end up orphaning mozjs52.
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