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Re: Cinnamon 4.2, salsa and master branch

Il 29/08/2019 07:16, Norbert Preining ha scritto:
Hi Max,

it took me a bit of time but I have now worked through the 4.2 stuff.
All work is pushed to the experimental branches on salsa.
Source packages and binaries for amd64 are on
	deb http://www.preining.info/debian/cinnamon42 unstable main
	deb-src http://www.preining.info/debian/cinnamon42 unstable main
(built in a chroot with always the latest packages compiled installed)

Good, thanks, I have not yet had vacation from work for did it, I don't know when and if I will have it, but when I have some time I will have a look.

If you have the time and if want do it would be good to pass all the bugs in the debian bugtracker, check if they are solved and eventually close them in changelog if solved in 4.2, answer if you need more data etc ... it will have been a year or more since I last did it :(

Some comments to your emails:

On Fri, 02 Aug 2019, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
I would like to upload 4.0.x (and having it in testing) before uploading
4.2.x, would you mind keep the changes in experimental for now? That would
adding a new changelog block for the 4.2 versions while the 4.0 is still
unreleased, and to rebase/merge the changes after 4.0 gets uploaded, but I
think that should be fine.
Done that. The changelogs are on top of the 4.0 changelogs.

From the changes that I saw, the symbols in cjs use pkgkde-symbolshelper,
please use that tool to update the symbols file (I reverted the changes to
I used that tool when updating symbols files.

One question, xapp is not such a big jump (1.4.5 -> 1.4.8), should that
also go to experimental?
That would should be fine for master.
xapp is updated in experimental *and* master (they are the same now).

I forgot to mention that David Mohammed (fossfreedom-guest) is also
interested in cinnamon 4.2 and has prepared a couple of mrs, please check
I have merged his changes in cinnamon-translations and one other
package (forgotte which one).

And yes, I am running these packages on my computer just now :-)

All the best


PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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