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ci-worker13 not running isolation-machine tests any more (at least in regards to vpnc)

Hello CI Team,

up to 2024-06-15 tests regarding vpnc run successully on ci-worker13
[1], [2].

Starting from 2024-06-21 all tests run on the same worker have been
declined with stating: SKIP Test restriction "isolation-machine"
requires testbed capability "isolation-machine"
[3], [4], [5].

There has been no change to the vpnc package since 2024-05-17.

Can you please have a look what might be going wrong on ci-worker13?


P.S: I am posting the above here as there does not seem to exist a
suitable pseudo package in BTS to bring up the issue.

[1] https://ci.debian.net/packages/v/vpnc/unstable/amd64/47433378/
[2] https://ci.debian.net/packages/v/vpnc/testing/amd64/47582309/
[3] https://ci.debian.net/packages/v/vpnc/unstable/amd64/48014708/
[4] https://ci.debian.net/packages/v/vpnc/unstable/amd64/48168731/
[5] https://ci.debian.net/packages/v/vpnc/unstable/amd64/48336881/

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