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Re: [Pkg-zfsonlinux-devel] Bug#1068559: zfs-linux: isolation-machine autopkgtest fails: zfs-test-suite times out (hangs?)


> 2024年4月12日 12:48,Paul Gevers <elbrus@debian.org> 写道:
> Hi,
> On 12-04-2024 4:42 a.m., 陈 晟祺 wrote:
>> - If I limit the test file size to 1G, quite many tests would fail even with adequate resources
> Ack. To be fair, I was more thinking to make current test conditional on the available free disk space. But yeah, that might also lead to issues as the test might be randomly skipped.

You got the point. I previously thought that testifies are on disk,
but actually they are in tmpfs and consuming huge memory.
That’s why OOM killer would kick in when writing large files in tests.

> Good, so 2GB memory is not enough for zfs-linux (I assume you ran this test with 2 cores like I did)

Yes, I always use 2 cores. 

> I agree we shouldn't spend too much time on squeezing it into the *current* defaults. I'm still somewhat hoping that we could squeeze out a somewhat smaller memory defaults than 8 GB: does 4 GB work (and if so, how long does it take)?

I am now trying to run tests on 2 core and 4GB memory (and maybe less later).
If the tester itself does not occupy too much RAM, the real requirement for resources
is now probably several gigabytes of disk space (currently it’s ~10GB).

I will give more feedback once new results come out.

Shengqi Chen

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