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Re: Re: Autopkgtest fails on openvpn-auth-ldap (related to: #1001669)

Hi Paul and Aniol,

I encountered the same issue while working on autopkgtests for the vpnc
package. Error message on salsa.d.o [1] is

   vpnc-connect: can't open /dev/net/tun, check that it is either device
   char 10 200 or (with DevFS) a symlink to ../misc/net/tun (not
   misc/net/tun): Operation not permitted

The same error showed up running tests with my local debci/lxc

After some research on the net I could fix the issue locally by adding

   lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow = c 10:200 rw

to the lxc container's config file /var/lib/lxc/autopkgtest-unstable-

Now I wonder how to address the issue properly:
- Raise a bug against lxc-templates?
- Raise a bug against debci?
- Bring up the topic to the Salsa CI Team?

Let me know how to proceed.


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/sven-geuer/vpnc/-/jobs/5311036
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