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debci development - Setting up a development environment


I’m Tiago and I’m following this document https://ci.debian.net/doc/file.HACKING.html#grab-the-dependencies-and-required-software my target is start to contribute with the project.

In the first step apt-get build-dep . The terminal return a problem, the autopkgtest is 5.28 and is necessary 5.29.

So, I would like to know what is the better version of Debian to help the project? Stable? Unstable? In this moment I use the stable but no problem that if I need change to stable.

I would like to take advantage, what tools do you use to develop, is VIM? With any specific plugin?

Another question, how do you debug?

Last question, I saw that there are some open issues, would you suggest something to start with? I've been developing for a while, but with Ruby it will be the first time, I've been studying, but only theoretical knowledge for now and I want to put it into practice in this project.


Tiago Zaniquelli

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