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Re: Review of debusine's autopkgtest related API

On Thu, 19 Oct 2023, Paul Gevers wrote:
> As long as the outcome None from that selection is well handled. And my
> suggestion is mostly for the infra maintainer, not (only) the requestor.

Yup. I expect infra maintainer to always have the possibility to override
the requirements. And ideally to also have a mechanism to automatically
discover requirements by running tests on a big machine first and then
record the CPU time spent, the max memory and disk used during the tests.
So that we can (somewhat confidently) run them on smaller machines in the

> > > * Maybe autopkgtest should grow an restriction to have test only run
> > >    when explicitly declared on the command interface, to enable writing
> > >    tests that don't need to run by default, but are nice to have during
> > >    development.
> > 
> > Shall I file a wishlist bug for this against autopkgtest?
> Sure, but don't wait for it to be implemented.

Actually I'm not going to file this because it can be trivially
implemented by the package maintainer with:

if [ -z "$RUN_DEVEL_TESTS" ]; then
    exit 77

And passing --env=RUN_DEVEL_TESTS=1 on the command line when they want to
run those tests.

  ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀   Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org>
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