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Re: Review of debusine's autopkgtest related API

On 2023-10-15 16:57, Paul Gevers wrote:
> To be honest, I think time isn't going to be very useful. One thing is
> that reasonable timeouts also depend a lot on the infra (like
> architecture, I/O setup, network speed, parallel other jobs, amount of
> CPU's, amount of memory, ...) and isn't only determined by the test.
> I've seen test run in minutes on one arch, taking hours on another. I've
> seen tests taking minutes on a beefy host (lots of memory and cores),
> while taking hours on a regular host.

Thanks for the insights, Paul. I only had my own packages in mind, but I
can now see how my proposal does not generalize well, and probably needs
to remain infra-specific.

Looking a bit deeper into how big_packages is handled, the README [1]
points to autopkgtest-cloud [2] which I didn't know yet. This feature is
limited to that tool, right? And I assume it's set-specific, not
package-specific (as in: all packages in big_packages get the same


[1] https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/autopkgtest-cloud/+git/autopkgtest-package-configs/tree/README.md
[2] https://autopkgtest-cloud.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

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