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Re: [support.osuosl.org #33137] OSUOSL Debian mirror often lags

On Thu, 2023-08-24 at 08:42 -0700, Lance Albertson via RT wrote:
> [Addings DSA]
> On Thu Aug 24 03:06:58 2023, elbrus@debian.org wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am one of the maintainers of the Debian CI infrastructure, which
> > contains hosts for ppc64el and s390x that run at OSUOSL. As we are
> > generating lots of traffic by downloading our packages for testing,
> > the s390x host was using the Debian mirror at OSUOSL [1] (but
> > somehow we never did that for ppc64el). Today I switch away from
> > that mirror as it regularly seems to be behind the
> > deb.debian.org mirror infrastructure causing issues with our tests.
> > 
> I'm not aware of any issues. We've been getting pushes from Debian
> however we did have to switch to a different upstream mirror a few
> weeks ago.
> DSA: Do we appear to be lagging on your end? Are the pushes having
> any issues?

As far as I can see, the specific mirror that we push to is ftp-
osl.osuosl.org. The Mirror Team's tracking for that mirror can be seen

There are definitely times where the mirror can be up to a couple of
hours behind, but it never seems to be quite as far behind as Paul's
mail seems to suggest.

One thing that the upstream mirror change did alter is that there's now
an additional step in the chain before the updates reach ftp-osl. In
fact, looking at the hierarchy displayed on the mirrors page, it looks
like the traffic is taking a rather circuitous route right now -
syncproxy2.wna is currently a ppc64el VM that you're kindly hosting for
us, so the traffic is going Rhode Island -> OSUOSL -> Vancouver, BA ->
OSOUSL which is suboptimal to say the least.

Lance - let's move you back to getting pushes from syncproxy2.wna,
which would drop the intermediate hop. We re-used the outbound SSH key
from the old syncproxy2.wna when setting up the new one. Do you still
have the old one configured on your side, or would you need us to
provide it again?

If you're firewalling or IP-restricting the traffic or SSH key on your
side, the new machine is /



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