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Re: Proposal for new restriction: "nosession"


On Sat, Mar 25, 2023 at 07:32:26PM +0100, Christian Kastner wrote:
> When the testbed has the 'root-on-testbed' capability, autopkgtest
> insists on running tests through `su root` [1]. This seems redundant,
> but is explained in the comment:
> > this ensures that we have a PAM/logind session for root tests as
> > well; with some interfaces like ttyS1 or lxc_attach we don't log
> > in to the testbed
> The problem with this is that it breaks rootless podman containers where
> files/devices are passed in with group ownership. The host user's groups
> can be kept with podman's --group-add=keep-groups feature, but this
> feature is lost by su's setgroups() call.
> Workarounds are to either run the containers as root, or modify
> /etc/setgid as needed. However, those workarounds require privileges to
> set up.
> It would seem simpler to just add a new restriction, call it "nosession"
> or whatever, so that tests can explicitly declare that they don't need a
> session, be it for the above reason, or any other.
> If you think this idea has merit, should I prepare a proposed update to
> code + docs in an MR?
> Steps to reproduce:
> # On the host, pick an arbitrary secondary group of the user. In this example, I'll use group video.
> # Create a file with root:video ownership, and no read permissions for other:
> $ echo "eureka" > /tmp/canary && chmod 640 /tmp/canary && sudo chown root:video /tmp/canary
> $ ls -l /tmp/canary 
> -rw-r----- 1 root video 6 Mar 19 10:28 /tmp/canary
> # Run the container, bind-mounting the file
> $ podman run --rm -it --volume=/tmp/canary:/tmp/canary --group-add keep-groups debian:unstable
> root@2925ce478c61:/# cat /tmp/canary
> eureka
> root@2925ce478c61:/# su
> root@2925ce478c61:/# cat /tmp/canary
> cat: /tmp/canary: Permission denied

Can you ellaborate on how did you hit this issue while using
autopkgtest? What exactly is broken?

In any case, this sounds to me like a technical limitation of podman
and/or the autopkgtest podman backend, and not like something we want to
include in the specification.

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