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Re: qemu-sbuild-utils and autopkgtest-build-qemu

Hello all,

sorry for the really late answer.. Cleaning up some old email in EOY holidays..

Simon McVittie [2020-11-05 12:24 +0000]:
> I have a half-written branch for an alternative to autopkgtest-virt-qemu
> that is an autopkgtest-virt-ssh setup script instead of being a backend
> in its own right, so that instead of doing strange tricks with 9pfs,
> we can treat the VM as exactly equivalent to a remote or cloud machine.

I thought about that back then as well. My original intent was to avoid the
"VM requires a network connection and ssh all the time", which is a fairly
strong assumption when you are testing systemd, NetworkManager, ifupdown, and
the like. But indeed maybe that ship has sailed as these days at least Ubuntu's
CI infra is mostly cloud images.

So, this is not at all an objection, just an explanation where this came from.

> Another possible route for autopkgtest-virt-qemu is to abandon the idea
> of creating a virtual machine image from scratch, and instead use the
> Debian cloud images and cloud-init, the same way Ubuntu uses *their*
> official cloud images with autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud.

Big big +1! I did several attempts at this as well in the past, but never quite
got it to the "success" point. More importantly, a few years ago there were no
Debian cloud images for sid. But these days there are:

Bootstrapping an initial image is hard, requires root privileges, and takes
long -- which is why just about every distro these days provides daily cloud


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