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Re: debci questions

Hi Thierry,

Terceiro is better at this, but I expect him to be busy with Debconf.

On 22-07-2019 10:27, Thierry Fauck@linux.ibm.com wrote:
> - chake/debian-ci-config: Do I understand that master node is dedicated
> to that task meaning it is the node running the collector ?

In our setup, yes.

> How many network interfaces do you need per node 2 or 3 ? are they
> required ?

Per worker you mean? I think 1 is enough. I think you're seeing two in
our configuration because that is how AWS works. The arm64 farm I am
trying to get working only uses one IIAC.

> - How do you manage the different suites since the tools like
> debci-generate-index only use the suite specified in debci_suite variable ?

Our workers generate one lxc container per suite that is supported. In
our case each worker can run tests for all the supported suites.
debci-generate-index runs on the master. I haven't checked what it would
be doing with the debci_suite variable (as it doesn't make sense to me
there, but maybe I am missing something).

> I tried to have - for example one system for testing, one for unstable
> and one for stable and I modified debci-generate-index to loop against
> all suites defined in debci_suite_list but then I figured out that tools
> like debci_status reports only the current suite - is that true ? is the
> suite info part of the database ?

I'm pretty sure the suite is part of it yes. I can't comment on the
earlier remarks.

> And since that time the status charts are completely strange because -
> for example - the  total number of packages in the suite is wrong (it
> matches the unstable count I had once) or it varies from very few up to
> the total count .... meaning nothing is clean.
> So really my question is - (even if I don't put in the equation chake
> and do manually because I have very few servers for now) how do you
> manage the different suites on the master - or do you have multiple
> masters or virtual masters ....

No, just one master to rule them all.

> -Thanks in advance for your help clarifying my mind with that great tool

Although I can't answer all your questions, I hope it helps. Don't
hesitate to continue asking.


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