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RFR: CI-team GIT repository way-of-working

Dear all,

Until recently I considered pushing an altered history to a public
repository not done. In the recent interactions, I learned to appreciate
the ability to force-push squashed commits. To avoid confusion, I'd like
to agree on how we want to work in this team. Please review my proposal

- No force-pushing on the master branch¹
- Alterations are allowed on topic branches
- Alterations on topic branches and re-basing of topic branches on the
master branch are recommended to improve the quality of the commits via
reviews that get merged or applied in the master branch
- [unsure] topic branches can be either merged or rebased on top of
master before adding to the master branch


¹ I can imagine a repair action of clear mistakes, but when done, it
requires clear communication to the team and limited time of the commit
being public.

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