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Bug#751574: Bug#751575: adt-virt-schroot: fails to replicate tests which pass elsewhere

Hey Neil,

Neil Williams [2014-06-15 13:37 +0100]:
> (sid-amd64-sbuild)root at sylvester:/# cat /etc/fstab

No, not etc/fstab *within* the schroot. The bind mounts that schroot
does are in /etc/schroot/<profile>/fstab .

> I don't see how to discover which profile might be in use (I suspect
> none or "default") or how to add a profile to the existing schroot
> configuration without using the deprecated script-config which sounds
> like an awful hack which autopkgtest should not require.

If your /etc/schroot/chroot.d/unstable has any "profile=...", then
that's the value of <profile> (schroot only ships the "sbuild"
profile), if it doesn't have any, then <profile> == "default".

Can you perhaps just attach your /etc/schroot/chroot.d/unstable and
the corresponding /etc/schroot/<profile>/fstab ?

> If I explicitly mount proc and devpts inside the schroot (and hack
> around to fix #751574) I do now get a pass.

OK, thanks for confirming.

> I suggest that adt-virt-schroot checks for /proc and /dev/pts being
> mounted inside the chroot and mounts them itself if not.

I'd like to avoid that. That's second-guessing schroot's and the
admin's configuration, and also opens a can of worms and race
conditions for cleaning this up properly under all circumstances. If
you didn't manually change the chroot config, then this is really a
bug in whatever script you used to build these schroots.



Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)
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