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Bug#769687: no network is a common condition

Holger Levsen [2014-11-17 18:37 +0100]:
> I'm not sure the downgraded severity is correct. AFAIK it has been commonly 
> agreed that relying on network access for a package build is a serious bug and 
> https://wiki.debian.org/buildd seems to confirm this: " most buildds will have 
> no network access available. Your package build+test process must not attempt 
> to use the network or assume that any network interface is available."

This isn't meant literally -- with no network access at all, a buildd
couldn't build anything as it couldn't install any build deps or
upgrade chroots, etc. It must be able to access any archive mirror
(even a local one if you really have no network), and that's all that
the tests do.

So, I'll look at this, but it is a really unusual scenario IMHO and
certainly doesn't warrant release-critical status.


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)
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