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Bug#741330: autopkgtest: please add ability to wrap a script/runner/adverb around existing tests

Hello again,

Martin Pitt [2014-04-04 16:44 +0100]:
>  * Read tests from a file:
>    Tests: < debian/tests/testlist
>  * Globbing:
>    Tests: glib*.test
> Do you think that would suffice your needs?

BTW, it's not desirable to actually do that for more than 5 or so
tests. There is quite some overhead for each newly added autopkgtest
level test, as for each of it the testbed gets reset/restarted
(nontrivial for LXC/Qemu), and more importantly all its test
dependencies get installed (which can take a few minutes).

To avoid that, we'd need to change the semantics of that to run all
tests in the same testbed, but that could break the expectances of
other packages.

So perhaps it's better to instead work on some better tools for
parsing the output and pick out individual test case results?


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)
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