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Re: Input and display chinese in emacs

It depends.  我以前想叫 Emacs 用 xcin,但不太成功。可能我的設定有錯。
xa+cv 也可以。但我認為最好的方法,是利用 Emacs 裏已有的 MULE 功能,

	Mule -> Set Language Environment -> Chinese -> Chinese-BIG5
	Mule -> Select Input Method, 按 tab 顯示選擇,希望有您的輸入法。

  再 shift-[left mouseclick],出現 Font menu,選 Fontset,
standard: 16-dot medium,就可以了。  Mule 選單底下還有其它好玩的東西,
feel free to experiment!  :-)

  當然,您不用每次開 emacs 都這樣做,把您的設定放進 ~/.emacs-big5,
開 emacs 時 load 這個 config file (I don't know which command-line
options.)。  也許這裏的 Emacs 專家 (如 zhaoway) 可以幫您。


On Thu, Jun 08, 2000 at 02:18:41AM +0800, hingwah wrote:
> Hello,sorry for asking question again.
> I would like to know how can I input and display chinese in emacs.
> Do I need to use XA+CV this time?
> I am using xa+cv to use emacs now...When I try to type some chinese
>  some chinese cannnot display...For example,if I type
> 你好嗎,it will 你好嗎,it cannot display 你
> but if I copy the word from emacs to forexample in crxvt..It can display it correctly...
> is it the problem of xa+cv?can the emacs really save the chinese into the file?

Anthony Fok Tung-Ling                Civil and Environmental Engineering
foka@ualberta.ca, foka@debian.org    University of Alberta, Canada
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://www.olvc.ab.ca/

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