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Re: only 1 font type size in netscape

On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 02:32:53PM +0800, Wan Hing Wah wrote:
> But why we just defined it for ming ,kai and song,but not arphic?

  因為 CLE 也如此。  -default-ming-*- 每個 size 一大堆 aliases
就夠了,連 -arphic-*-*- 也一大堆,就 double 了 alias 數量。
需知這是 Netscape 4.x 的 bug,我們這樣每個 size 設了這一大堆 aliases 已經是
矯枉過正。再者,上一版的 .deb 就是定義了太多 aliases,所以 xlsfonts

  請見 /usr/doc/xfonts-arphic-bsmi00lp/changelog.gz 裏的 Rationale:

xfonts-arphic (2.11) frozen unstable; urgency=low

  * To Release Manager: As the changes are minimal, and it would
    reduce the overhead and improve the stability of the X server and
    X font server, please include it in potato.
  * Removed the number of aliases for the fonts.  There were 648 aliases
    for each single Chinese TTF font, most of them just for circumventing
    the font size glitch in Netscape 4.x.  No wonder xlsfonts was so slow.
    Mea culpa.  :-)  The number of aliases has been reduced to 88.
  * [README.Debian]: Added a note to tell the users to use -default-*
     instead of -arphic-* in Netscape 4.x for the Chinese TrueType
     fonts to be displayed properly.

 -- Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>  Sat, 13 May 2000 02:54:17 -0600

648 aliases 乘 4 套字型就是 2592 個 aliases 了,現在減為 88*4 = 352 個,
輕磅得多而不減其功能。煩請各位遇著問題,先讀 /usr/doc/*/README.Debian

  不過,話說回來,我們將來應該加個 FAQ (常見問題集) 放在網站上,
因為忘記讀 /usr/doc/*/README.Debian,也實在難怪,因為我自己遇上問題時,
也常忘了讀。 ^_^


Anthony Fok Tung-Ling                Civil and Environmental Engineering
foka@ualberta.ca, foka@debian.org    University of Alberta, Canada
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://www.olvc.ab.ca/

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