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Re: 北京有 Debian 的 package maintainer 吗?(xburst-tools package)

Hi Li Daobing

(hope you don't mend I send the GTALK log to list. :) )

1. debian/stage1.bin 是怎么来的
有无源码 没有源码的话肯定会被拒绝
debian 的规则不允许接纳预编译好的东西

一共有三个编译好的文件.xburst-stage1.bin xburst-stage2.bin stage1.bin
已经在源代码里了,分别在 :
├── usbboot
│   ├── xburst_stage1
│   └── xburst_stage2
└── xbboot
    └── target-stage1

Debian 好像可以接纳编译好的文件。这里[3]是另外一个人(Bas 也是Debian 的人)的邮件。

2. 版本号为什么是 -0.1
而不是 -1

这个一定要是 -1 吗?有点不太明白。

3. 因为是第一次上传,请提供一个干净的 debian/changelog 无关的东西全部删除

这个是必须的吗? 这个changelog 我已经改完了。改成只有一行的那个  * Initial release. (Closes: #535429)

4. 考虑说服上游发布真正的源码包

然后提供 debian/watch
现在的 get-orig-source 很绕
比如,应该在一个 `mktemp` 的目录下完成打包,而不是在当前的目录来做
在 get-orig-source 中已经有这个。就是一个临时目录啊。
  mkdir debian-orig-source
  trap 'rm -fr debian-orig-source || exit 1' EXIT


要测试这个包必须要有 君正CPU 的设备。这个软件包是和 君正的CPU 通信的。
1. 把君正CPU的设备启动到 USBBOOT MODE
2. 就是用usbboot, xbboot 和设备通信,守成测试,刷机等工作。

如果需要我可以提供设备用于测试 :)

thanks for your help :)

Bas wrote:
You can try the mips porters list, but I'm not sure if that's very
active.  Unfortunately the most active mips porter (Thiemo Seufer) got
killed in a car accident after fosdem several years ago.  But I can also
give some hints:

I see two options, both of which have their drawbacks.  First is to
include the cross-compiler in the source package, and use it during the
build.  This is similar to including a custom version of a library,
which some packages do and is highly discouraged, but sometimes

*The other option is to include the built version of the mips binaries.*
Debian's policy manual doesn't require everything to be built from
source; it only requires sources to be available and free.  Build tools
must be free as well.  All this is no problem for xburst-tools.

Of course the ideal solution would be to somehow get the things to build
using normal packages.  Perhaps it is somehow possible to create a
package with gcc sources (similer to the linux-source-* packages) from
which a custom cross-compiler can be generated.  xburst-tools can then
build-depend on that, and generate a mips cross-compiler at built time.
You should probably talk to the emdebian people for this.

I have too many projects at the moment to work on this myself, but if
you have any more questions, I'm happy to give some more advice.


Best Regards
Xiangfu Liu

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