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Re: 转Utf8引来一堆乱码

It's true that *dm running on 2,3 and 4 in debian.
Because in this time the *dm is for XDMCP and connect to remote Xserver

Best Regards,

Zachary Wu (吴?磊)
Software Engineer, Enterprise Content Management FVT, IBM China Software Development Lab
Tel: +86 10 82782244-3235. Fax: 82782244-2886 Tie Line: 915-2244-3235
Internet: xiaoleiw@cn.ibm.com
Notes ID: Xiao Lei Wu/China/IBM@IBMCN
Address: 8/F, Block A, Power Creative Building, No.1, East Road, Shang Di, Beijing 100085, P.R. China

HuangJiahua <jhuangjiahua@gmail.com> 写于 2006-05-24 03:06:45:

> 楼主说的 退出 vim 乱码, 是 Gtk 终端处理颜色序列有问题
> 在 bashrc 里去掉提示符颜色的就可以了
> BTW: 标准的 Debian/Ubuntu 里, 运行级 2,3,5 都是会启动 dm 的
> 而且 Debian 默认运行级是 2
> 所以 Xiao Lei Wu 朋友的说法有些不太恰当
> BTW2: 个人觉得, 在桌面计算机讨厌 dm 而喜欢 startx 的人很怪异

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