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Re: AR PL KaitiM is always the first match?

Because the font "AR PL KaitM" has the English characters inside and
your desktop setting of fonts use the "AR PL KaitM" font, so the gtk
will use it to render the english characters. 
You can change your desktop setting to use your favorite english font,
such as
"Bitstream Vera San", the gtk widgets will use the "Bitstream Vera San"
it want to render the english characters. when it want to render the
characters, it CAN NOT find the chinese characters in "Bitstream Vera
San", so
it will refer to the "alias" setting of fonts.conf for the first match
font include the chinese characters inside.

Description above only affect these GTK2 programs using the fontconfig
to render
its font.

在 2005-06-24五的 16:23 -0700,Deling Ren写道:
> I installed the package ttf-arphic-gkai00mp on my sid box and now gtk  
> widgets are using "AR PL KaitM" to display English characters, which  
> is not what I want. I wanted to use Bitstream Vera Sans instead. The  
> font.conf file is the one that comes with sid by default. And when I  
> run fc-match with an empty pattern, it always returns "AR PL KaitiM".
> I guess the reason is I set LC_CTYPE to zh_CN.gbk for Chinese input.  
> Is there anyway that I can have the Chinese input and not using the  
> Chinese font to render ASCII characters?
> Thanks a lot. And I am using xfce 4.2 and fcitx if that matters.
> Deling

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