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□□□□唇□□冽□ http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2002/48/

□□□ □拇□□□□ □□Wen-chien Jesse Sung <jesse_at_cola.voip.idv.tw>
□□□□饷陌! :-)


Debian Weekly News - 2002挢□2□□0□□
□□□□梯□□□侨□砍□□□□□□□ DWN□□□□□Debian □晔黎□怨□□□org.com □唇□□□□□典□□□
□□ildcard dns record□□□□□□□□□瘛瑟□□□James Treacy □□□□唇□□□□□□□□拙□□□
□□Jacqueline □□Claire □□□□□□□□荦□□迄□□□□唬□□□侨□□□□□□□贤□□衔□□□□□□暑□□
□□□□涌□□斗□□□□□□□□□□ Colin Waton □□□□航炊□质驮胃饵绞□□ug tracking system□□
□舀□□啁□霈□□□航炊□□□□□□bug submitter□□□□□□□□诱□□□□刻丝□□□□□蝙□典□□砍□□□
□□□□交□□□董□□□□□□□□□阎□bug □□□□□□□□□□□submitter □□诱□□□□交□□□□□□□ 
□□缣□呛□□剔□ From: □□Reply-To: □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□嗅□霈□□ 
□□uxRacer □赓□□□Andreas Tille □芯□□□□□□□□□ TuxRacer □赓□□□辣□□□□嗅□□□
蝻筝□□□□□□□阆□□□□辣□□□□□□□嗡蒂□□泵□□Debian □□□□嗅□□芰□阆□□□□□□□□□□□□□
□□□撖怠□□嗉牧□□□ Colin Walters □□□□□辣□□牧□□□ Debian □□□□剔□□园□阆□□□□□ 
□账□□□□□□□□□□□筝□□辐□ Debian □□□□□□□啁□挢晓□□其遢□□□□□□□□□□□□□湔□□□□ 
□□Debian □□□□□末□□□Colin 撖思□□□遢□□辣□□□□衔神□□辣□□□□□钓□□□□□□□浇□□□
□□策 Debian □函□ Xconfigurator□□□ Amir Bukhari □芸□□□□ Xconfigurator □□
RedHat □饼□□□Debian □□□□质□ Debian □刻身□□X □□□□踹□□□店□□□□□□□□□□□□□□
□□□□□□□□□□箸□□□Debian □□□□□□□折□□□□ debconf□□□□晓□□□见□□□□□□□□□□□
□□□□□□蝣□□□□□□□□□文□□斤阮□□Martin Sj绎gren □□之□嗅□□思□□其□□赌□□□蝙□□
debian-installer □□□蝣□□□□□□□□□赌诱□赌诱□选□scripts□□□Martin □□README □□
□□□□□□□□contrib □□□蝣□□□□□□□Tollef Fog Heen 撖思□□□□ debian-cd □□辣□□
□株□□□□□□atch□□□□踹□□臭诳□赌□□□□ contrib □□□□怎□□□□□□□□□□Rapha祷l 
Hertzog □□□□□□□饼□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□身□筝□□□contrib□□丝□□□□亦□□□□□□
□□□ non-free □驳□□□□□□□□□contrib □驳□□□□□□□□□□□箸□□筝□ OpenOffice.org 
□□□□□□ contrib □剔□□□辣□□non-free □行□□□□□潜□□□□□□
□□□□□□□□洵□□□ Debian □□辣□□□ Clemens Lee □潸”□□□□账□愦□□□赌□□函□□砌□□□
Debian □□辣□□□Mini-HOWTO□□□□卖□□嗉牧□□□□□□□□□□□□□亘□□芸□□□□□虫□□辐□□□
□嗅□□□□□冽□□刚圾□赌□□□□□□□□□□□怎□□□辣□□□□□Debian New Maintainers' Guide 
□□□□□□□□□□□拨□呛□□□Open Source Initiative □□“□□Lawrence Rosen 撖思□□□□ 
□□□□□□□□□□□拨□呛□□□nforceability of software licenses□□□□□□□□□□□□□□

□□遣□□□□□Debian □□辣□怎□□亘□□□Brian May □□□□□神□□□□□□□文□□斤阮□□鼠□拙之 
□嗅遣□□□□个□□□Debian □□辣□怒□□□□□亘□□臭诳霈□□□个□□衣雁□瑟□□□□□呛□□□澈□□蝙□□

□□ebian-installer □□洵□□□ alpha □□□□□Tollef Fog Heen □潸”□□□ Debian □□
□□□□□□ alpha □□汗□□□□□□□□□□芯□ i386 挢喳□□辐□□□□□渡雯□臬□□□□□□□□□□□□
S-Lang □□GTK □□□□舐□□□□□芸□□□□□晓□□□□□□□□□□□舀□□冽□□□芋□□□□□□□剖□□□
□□DE 3.1 □□□□冽□□□□□嗅□□潸□□□□□□□□KDE 3.1 □□□□潸□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□恣 
□□□ Dirk Mueller □□3.1 □□□□嗅□□唳□挢湔□□□□□□□KDE □□□□□□□典□□乩□□□□□□
□□SF □□□ W3C □□□□拇□□□□□□□ □芰□□□□□粹□□□□Free Software Foundation□□
FSF□□祟□□□ World Wide Web Consortium's□□3C□□□□□□□辐□□□□□行□□筝□□剔□□□
□□□□□□□剖□□梢□□呜□□辐□□□□□□ield of use□□□□□□□□□□□□ GNU General 
Public License □貉□□□□□□□□□W3C □□迨□□□□□□阆□叶□□□ Debian □□□□□□□辐□□□
□□ebian GNU/Linux 3.0 □□洵□□□□湔□□□□ □□□□□□□□□□晓□□□stable □□□□□□ 
□□□□湔□□□□□□□□乩□□□□□□□□□□□准□Stable □□□□□恣□□□□潸”□□□□□□□□牧□□□ 

□□□□典□□□□ □函□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□遥□□□□□辣□□□□□□□湔□胃饵绞□□
     * smb2www -- Arbitrary command execution.
* kdelibs -- Arbitrary command execution.

□□□□□□□浇□□冽□□□□□□□□呜□ □□□□□辣□舀□□□□□□□ unstable Debian □□□□急□□□

     * awesfx -- Various utility programs for controlling the AWE32/64 driver.
     * ccdoc -- Generates web documentation from C++ programs.
     * cdw -- A console tool for burning CD's.
     * cwwm -- A minimalist window manager for X11.
     * feta -- Simpler interface to APT, dpkg, and other package tools.
     * fontconfig -- Generic font configuration library.
     * httrack -- Offline browser: copy websites to your computer.
     * phpix -- A PHP-based web photo album.
     * pornview -- GTK+-based image viewer/manager.
     * pure-ftpd -- Fast, production-quality standards-conformant FTP server.
     * tlpr -- Trivial LPR client.
     * udpcast -- Multicast file transfer tool.
     * webcheck -- WWW site link checker.
     * xstow -- An extended replacement of GNU Stow written in C++.

□□迨□□□□□□□呜□ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□迨□□□□□□□□□□啁□□刚风□□□□□□□渡□□□□□□
126 □□迨□□□□□□□嗡□□□□掸豢□□□□□□□□刚风□□□□芰□□□□□晔黎□□甜□飒□□□□ WNPP □□
□□□□□□□□□□□□□具□愦□□□冽□□□□□□□□□□□冢□□□□阎□bug report □□诳□□□□□蒂□□
     * ecartis -- Fast, Flexible Mailing List Manager. (Bug#171621)
     * newsclipper -- Create HTML with dynamic information from the net. 
     * xkbsel -- Tool for defining, selecting, and indicating XKB keyboards. 

□□□□潜□霈□DWN □□□□□□□鼠□拇□□□□□□□□卖□□□□□呜□□修□□□末挢历□□□□□□□□□□□□
□选□□□□□□□□呛□蝻箸□□□□□□阮□□□□□□□□□阆□contributing □□□□刚圾愦□□挢怠□□□
□□□□□□□□缣□□dwn@debian.org □□□□□□□□□□□

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