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[Tlug_en] 2002.9.14 Taiwan Linux 使用者俱乐部技术讨论聚会 meeting

[Sorry, 2nd try]

下次台湾 Linux 使用者俱乐部(中/英)技术讨论聚会将在:
The next Taiwan Linux User's Club tech meeting will be at:

* 时间:2002 年 9 月 14 日 (周六) 13:30-18:00
Time: Sat., Sep. 14, 2002 13:30-18:00

* 地点:巨匠电脑 台北市公园路 30 号三楼
Place: PCSchool, 3rd Floor, 30 Gongyuan Rd., Taibei (Taipei :-)) Taiwan;

* 费用: 技术讨论免费,晚餐需自费。
Charge: Free

* 主办单位:台湾 Linux 使用者俱乐部 (中/英)
Hosted by: Taiwan Linux User Group [Chinese/English]

* 赞助单位:巨匠电脑、软体自由协会
Sponsored by PCSchool and Software Liberty Association of Taiwan

* 活动简介(Introduction):

在我们的技术讨论,老朋友将指导新朋友安装 GNU/Linux Debian,
专家们也会跟我们分享在 Linux 上面的趣事。

In our tech meetings experienced users will teach inexperienced users
to install GNU/Linux Debian, and GNU/Linux gurus will share their
experience and fun with us. English assistance will be available

Contact person 联络人: Andrew Lee 李健秋: andrew [@] linux.org.tw
Tel: phone @work: +886 (02) 22426189, cell.: 0932 394697

有关网址 Relevant links:
http://www.linux.org.tw/ 包括本讯息及我们的安装笔记 (includes this
message and our installation notes)
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| This message was re-posted from debian-chinese-big5@lists.debian.org
| and converted from big5 to gb2312 by an automatic gateway.

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