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Re: LaTeX CJK beginner's bumble

Min> Can you post card.tex?
%% namecard_layout.tex                                             %%
%% (c) 2002 Arne Goetje                                            %%
%% arne@....goetje-online......de                                  %%
%% This is an example only. If you want to redistribute this file, %%
%% you may do so, but please remove my personal data from it. :-)  %%
%% --------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% This layout fits for Avery White Business Cards No. 8571.       %%
%% If you use different cards, you might need to modify the        %%
%% measurements.                                                   %%

% enable Chinese, Japanese, Korean text.
% for better layout and multicolumn text
% use T1 fonts instead of bitmap
% enable support for tables

% set default font family to Helvetica (phv) [Times -> ptm]

% set the indent of every paragraph to 0pt
% 4pt extra space between the rows

% set the margins: {left}{top}{right}{bottom}{head height}{head distance from top}{foot height}{foot distance from bottom}
% get an empty page without pagenumbering

% set fontsize to normal

% end preamble, start document

% start CJK text {encoding}{fontstyle}
% set the ~ sign to be a proper space between Chinese and Latin chars
% start minipage (a page within a page) [position][height][inner position]{width}
% change fontsize (\tiny, \scriptsize, \footnotesize, \small, \normalsize, \laarge, \Large, \LARGE, \huge, \Huge)
      \large Arne Goetje\\
      \large 高盛华\\
      \small 9F-2, ------------------------aoyuan City, 33065\\
      \small Taiwan, Republic of -----\\
      \small 33065~桃园市大业路----------~楼之~2\\
        \small 电话~Phone:\\
        \small +886-----------\\
        \small 电子邮件~E-Mail:\\
        \small arne@g---------ine.de
% here starts the next row on the page (2 cards per row)

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