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Re: help: should i store wcs in database file or mbs?

On Tue, May 01, 2001 at 01:01:25PM +0800, zhaoway wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm writing dim. i have a question: if i should store chinese
> charaters into db file using wcs (internal encoding used by glibc,
> which is ucs-32 by now) or should i convert them into locale dependent
> mbs (gb2312, big5, utf-8 etc). and why? the db file i'm using is
> created by libdb2 (/ libdb3) which is itself a binary file.
> thanks in advance!

I think the Chinese phrases in the db are highly locale-dependent anyway
(eg. many phrases are different in mainland compared to Hong Kong), so
storing them using the local encoding (GB2312, Big5...) should not be
too much of a problem.

On the other hand, the encoding used in an area can change over time
(eg. GB2312 -> GBK), and so you'll need to convert whatever in the db to
the user's locale anyway (at runtime maybe?), so you might as well use

BTW will dim only be compiled with glibc 2.2? Because it is not
guaranteed that wcs is UCS-4 elsewhere ...

  Roger So                                               Opinions are mine,
  Sun Wah Linux Ltd.                                     not my employer's.

| This message was re-posted from debian-chinese-big5@lists.debian.org
| and converted from big5 to gb2312 by an automatic gateway.

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