Re[2]: [Fwd:] Re: [alert] i18n may be removed from X11
Sunday, September 09, 2001, 12:12:25 AM, you wrote:
tlot> : Anyway, I don't think compatible with X11R6.x should be a major
tlot> : fact that stop us from moving forward. We CJK users suffer the
tlot> : most without the Unicode conversion. Therefore I would like to see
tlot> : the conversion process goes faster, not slower.
tlot> If the compatibility issue could be properly addressed, I advocate
tlot> that the conversion process could go ahead faster. :-)
The problem is that we can never move forward if we stick with
this X11 compatible thing. In previous discussion about the
Xutf8* calls, the X consortium people clearly stated that they had no
intention to include Xutf8* into X11 in the future. Why? Because
mb/wc already solved the i18n problem. And they think using legacy
encoding forever is no big deal. They even opted to add locale
to mb/wc calls or maybe to OM context or OpenOM, whatever.
Well, I think the creation of Unicode is to unify all
kind of encodings. It should be used to replace those
legacy encoding. The argument of 'legacy encoding already
solved the i18n problem so we should not use unicode' does
not hold water. Supporting legacy encodings is important
but using legacy encodings as corner stone is wrong in my
Compatibility should be kept as much as we can. But it should
not block the progress of technology advance. If I have to
chose between stagnant and broken compatible, I chose to break.
Anyway, I do not object to removing encoding conversion from
XFree86. So I really have nothing to say.
Best regards,
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