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Re: debconf templates translation for chinese

On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 11:52:30AM -0800, Joey Hess wrote:
> zhaoway wrote:
> > The attached file is the translation for debconf templates, as
> > checked out from cvs in Nov. 30.
> > Template: foo/bar
> > Type: note
> > Description: hi there
> >  You 
> > Description-zh_CN: 大家好
> >  你
> I suppose this first one can be deleted?

As you wish. :-)

> This translation is specifically for local zh_CN, not just zh, is that
> correct?


The file for zh_TW is attached.
(I'm CC:'ing debian-chinese-..@lists.debian.org for verify.)


don't laugh at babytalk
        -- larry wall
Template: debconf/frontend
Type: select
Choices: Slang, Text, Editor, Dialog, Noninteractive
Choices-zh_TW: Slang, ゅセ, ?胯竟, Dialog, ?ユがΑ
Default: Slang
Description: What interface should be used for configuring packages?
 Packages that use debconf for configuration share a common look and feel.
 You can select the type of user interface they use. 
 The slang frontend provides a colorful, full-screen, character based
 windowing interface, while the text frontend uses a more traditional plain
 text interface. The editor frontend lets you configure things using your
 favorite text editor. The noninteractive frontend never asks you any
Description-zh_TW: ????ン????莱ㄏノぐ或妓????
 ㄏノ Debconf ㄓ????ン???ㄏノ?????ノめ????????柑匡拒
 膀? Slang ?ノめ???????????辊??膀??才?怠?????? Text
 ??狠ノめ???????肚参?虏虫?ゅセ????? Editor ?ノめ????琵
Template: debconf/priority
Type: select
Choices: critical, high, medium, low
Choices-zh_TW: 闽龄, 蔼, い, ?
Default: medium
Description: Ignore questions with a priority less than..
 Packages that use debconf for configuration prioritize the questions they
 might ask you. Only questions with a certain priority or higher are
 actually shown to you; all less important questions are skipped. 
 You can select the lowest priority of question you want to see:  
   - `critical' is for items that will probably break the system
     without user intervention.
   - `high' is for items that don't have reasonable defaults.
   - `medium' is for normal items that have reasonable defaults.
   - `low' is for trivial items that have defaults that will work in the
     vast majority of cases.
 For example, this question is of medium priority, and if your priority
 were  already `high' or `critical', you wouldn't see this question. 
 If you are new to the Debian GNU/Linux system choose `critical' now, so
 you only see the most important questions. 
Description-zh_TW: ┛菠????????拜?
 ㄏノ Debconf ??ン??ウ?????矗??拜??????????Τ???
 ???? Debian GNU/Linux ?参??も?杠??某???柑匡拒ˉ闽龄ˇ???

Template: debconf/preconfig
Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Pre-configure packages before they are installed?
 Debconf can be used to configure packages before they are installed by
 apt. This lets you answer most questions a package would ask at the
 beginning of the install, so you do not need to be around to answer
 questions during the rest of the install. 
Description-zh_TW: ??ン??杆ぇ?????ウ?盾?
 Debconf ????ン?? apt ?杆ぇ?????ウ???ㄏ??????杆??

Template: debconf/showold
Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Show all old questions again and again?
 Debconf normally only asks you any given question once. Then it remembers
 your answer and never asks you that question again. If you prefer, debconf
 can ask you questions over and over again, each time you upgrade or
 reinstall a package that asks them. 
 Note that no matter what you choose here, you can see old questions again
 by using the dpkg-reconfigure program. 
Description-zh_TW: ?????陪ボρ拜??
 Debconf ????┮?の?拜?拜度度???ウ??????氮??妓?????ぃ
 ??矗????拜???讽?????贾??Debconf ?????ど??ン??┪?

Template: debconf/switch-to-slang
Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Switch to the new, full-freatured slang frontend?
 You are currently using debconf's dialog frontend. This frontend has been
 superceded by a new frontend, called the slang frontend, that does
 everything the dialog frontend does and more. It lets you see and answer
 multiple questions at a time, and is generally more flexable and pleasant
 to use. If you'd like, you can switch to that frontend now. 
Description-zh_TW: ち传???????? Slang ?狠??盾?
 ?タ?ㄏノ Debconf ? Dialog ?狠ノめ?????????????狠??
 Slang ┮????Slang ??暗? Dialog ??场??????暗????ウ?

Template: debconf/helpvisible
Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Should debconf display extended help for questions?
 Debconf can display extended help for questions. Some frontends allow this
 display to be turned off, which may make them run a bit faster, or be less
 cluttered. This is mostly useful for experts. 
Description-zh_TW: Debconf 莱э?拜?陪ボ冈荷?腊???盾?
 Debconf ???矗??拜?陪ボ冈荷?腊?????场?????狠ノめ????ぃ

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