Re: 升级到kde2.0-20001016debian包,koffice可以显示中文了
On Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 01:49:51AM +0800, Yu Guanghui wrote:
> hi
> 估记应该是kde自己的问题,我今天只是把koffice和kdebase升级到了2.0-20001016
> 的包,现在在kword里已经可以打开中文文件了,也可以输入,只是还有些问题,光标不
> 能在中文上移动.但是kedit里还是不行.而且只要我把字符集设成set-gbk,kedit就
> 崩溃了.同样也没办发把控制中心里的 观感->字体设成 set-gbk. :(
> 我也试了zh_TW.Big5,一样的问题.
> 现在我设的是 LC_ALL=zh_CN.GB2312, KDE_LANG=zh_CN.GBK,如果把LC_ALL=zh_CN.GBK
> 那么,kde基本上不能动了,xfs-xtt和Xserver各占了40%以上的cpu.
Hi Yu Guanghui, sorry I wasn't able to reply your earlier emails. I'll just
comment on this one. GBK is absolutely not necessary. I had run 5 kde2 betas
and 2 release candidates all under gb2312 locale and they all seem to be happy.
There isn't a lot to set it up either. For a glibc2.2 (beta) system, the
following simple steps are enough, probably you have done them all.
1. installed all necessary kde2 packages.
2. install kde-chinese localization package.
3. make a link /usr/share/locale/zh_CN to zh_CN.GB2312, since now kde will
look for the "charset" file under zh_CN, not zh_CN.GB2312.
4. If your .kde directory is from kde1 or the very early betas, delete it (or
better yet, rename it and later merge the config files manually).
5. Start kde under C (default) locale and in control center->country & language
setting: set Country to China (cn) (Language automatically zh_CN.GB2312)
and charset to set-gbk. Quit.
6. From now on, you can start kde under gb2312 locale:
export LC_ALL=zh_CN
export LANG=zh_CN
now start kde
The last kde2 I tested was RC2 which is roughly the same as 2.0-20001016.
I didn't see any of the problems you mentioned. Kword, kedit and kwrite all
basically function correctly in opening chinese files, inputing chinese (with
chinput) and displaying chinese. My system is RH7+glibc2.1.95, though I doubt
the system making any difference.
You are right, let's just wait a couple days and see the final release.
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