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Re: Three problems with Chinput

Min Xu(Hsu) wrote:


I am not an expert either, but will try to answer your questions:

On Tue, 29 Apr 2003 Stefan Baums wrote :
Dear list,
I am using chinput 3.0.2 in Debian testing and experience the
following problems:

  1. Chinput does not play nice with xterm.  When I open an xterm
     with chinput running in the background, xterm and chinput
     together will consume ca. 20% CPU time doing nothing at
     all.  When I have TWO xterms open with chinput in the
     background, and then hit CTRL-SPACE in one of them to enter
     some Chinese, the chinput selection box will appear in xterm
     no. 1, then no. 2, then no. 1 again, and so on flickering
     away in rapid succession while X's CPU usage goes up to
     70%.  This can't really be caught in a screenshot, but


     shows two xterms open with the chinput selection box for a
     split-second appearing in the non-active one where I DIDN'T
     press CTRL-SPACE.

xterm is in general not i18n ready I think. Using rxvt, Eterm, mlterm,
gnome-terminal, konsole with an XIM (X input method module?) is recommended.

  2. I would like to bind the activation of Chinese input to some
     other key combination than CTRL-SPACE because CTRL-SPACE is
     (constantly!) used in Emacs to set the mark, and it is very
     annoying indeed when chinput takes over that key
     combination.  How can I do that?

dpkg -L chinput, it should list all files of the package, it might
have a self-explanatory config file under /etc/.

  3. The font used in chinput's character selection box is a
     simplified font.  I am however working in a traditional
     Chinese locale, and would like the selection box to use a
     font with traditional characters.  How can I specify that?

You might want to use xcin for zh_TW locale. But simplified Chinese
is more common online these days.

Problems 1 and 2 are rather severe, really, and I would be
surprised if nobody else has encountered them.  And please excuse
me if any of the problems could have been resolved reading
Chinese-language documentaion - I'm not quite there yet :-)

Surprisingly, I think until recently, most useful linux
i18n documents for Chinese user are English. At least, the
English ones are more useful. :-)

BTW: A better pinyin input method might be SCIM, see the previous
posts on this list about that.


What about fcitx? Anyone tried it ? (www.fcitx.org, in chinese ;-))

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