Re: Three problems with Chinput
I didn't see any violation. SCIM is LGPL, the upsteam author (Su Zhe) provides
the source. The upstream author also writes the pinyin module, and decides not
to release the source. Pinyin module should not be considered as part of SCIM.
It's a standlone program use SCIM API that releases under LGPL.
So the SCIM will be put in Debian main (it's LGPL and don't depend on pinyin
module, there are other input modules), and pinyin will be put to non-free.
Yu Guanghui <ygh at>
Network Center
Dalian University of Technology, China
引用 Yong Li <>:
> On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, Stefan Baums wrote:
> > ...
> >
> > I don't like the fact that SCIM's pinyin module is non-free, and
> > that SCIM seems to be more of a moving target, under heavy
> > development.
> Normally this is just a moral choice. However in this particular case I
> think there's more than that. By publishing the pinyin module on his
> personal website without companying source code, Anthony Fok might have
> violated the LGPL license that scim is released with. Anthony has
> expressed the intension to put it into the Debian archive. I really hope
> he will consult with debian-legal before doing that. Because he might be
> doing debian a big disservice.
> regards,
> rigel
> --
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