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Printing Chinese documents through "enscript"

        I'm struggling making my computer can print Chinese documents via 
but fail. I had found some information about this filter, "Enscript", can 
print Chinese documents after patching. I found this web site : 
and download the patch, following the instruction without missing any steps. 
However, when I try to transform the Chinese document, it becomes quite a 
mess. The output file is filled with strange symbols and characters. The 
following is my running step:

$ enscript -j -U 4 -G -X big5 -f Arphic-MingB5 test.txt -o test.ps
CJK encoding, ignore AFM file, use default.
[ 1 pages * 1 copy ] left in test.ps

        My friend and I try to find out what's wrong but can't get any clue.
We have install gs-cjk-resource and  cmap-adobe-cns package. What else are we 
missing? Would somebody plz check it out?


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