Re: 請問mirrordebian的問題
On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 03:44:24PM +0000, 阿信 wrote:
> 小弟想要請問一下mirror debian package的問題,
> 如果我只想要mirror testing的部份,
> 該怎麼使用呢?
> 用rsync的時候,還是會把pool裡面的所有套件mirror回來,
> pool裡面放的應該是不管sid,testing,stable的吧,
> 但硬碟空間不足,想請問該怎麼下rsync的指令才會只mirror testing而已。
Read its ftpsync.conf or man rsync, read the EXCLUDE PATTERNS.
Even smaller? see
% apt-cache search debian mirror
apt-move - Move cache of Debian packages into a mirror hierarchy
apt-proxy - Debian archive proxy and partial mirror builder
apt-spy - writes a sources.list file based on bandwidth tests.
debmirror - Debian partial mirror script, with ftp and package pool support
debootstrap - Bootstrap a basic Debian system
debpartial - Debian Packages/Sources file partition tool
doc-debian - Debian Project documentation, Debian FAQ and other documents
jigdo-file - Download Debian CD images from any Debian mirror
netselect - Choose the fastest server automatically.
pbuilder - personal package builder for Debian packages
rootstrap - A tool for building complete Linux filesystem images
gap4 - System for computational discrete algebra (Basic System)
frost - A graphical filesharing and messaging client for Freenet
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