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Re: 求助! 關_語音聊天 behind NAT

我不知你用甚麼辦法找出proprietary socket 的 standard (most of
them won't show you how the socket is bind or anything ) 但
你可nmap找出port number. Kernel module 的基本不太困難, 亦不簡單,
主要是module上有什麼功能, 如你能reverse engineer他們的socket call
應該可以找到答案. 這是一些link由google.com找到的希望有幫助, 我很久
沒有Develope與Kernel有關的工作, 亦不太清楚masq module的方向, 你可
email下例的Developer及debian-devel@lists.debian.org 他們對Kernel
Good luck

Zou Min wrote:

Thanks for you immediate reply.

If I wanna write my own ip_masq module(in 2.2.x) for an voice chat 
application, which is however an proprietary software, where should I 
start from? or any references/links to read?

Furthermore, how to I discover the port numbers the application is using?

Alex Lau wrote:

>Special socket program like anything started with "Microsoft" may need a
>module e.g H323
>for the kernel in order to to work. I'm not sure why H.323 module didn't
>work (need debug)
>but 2.4 iptable look a lot cleaner and less security issue (2.2-20 is
>the current
>stable kernel for ip masq ) I don't use microsoft product dont' know
>what to suggest you
>to use. But port forwarding should be the same as your masquerading
>script instead of
>just putting ip you put ip:port number
>Good Luck
>Zou Min wrote:
>>我們用的是一個內部網絡通過IP Masquerade共享一個IP上網的.
>>MSN Messenger 4.6, p2p voice chat.
>>Microsoft Netmeeting 3.01
>>V2 Communicator (from www.v2tech.com)
>>都有問題. 前兩個都是不能聯機, 而V2 Communicator可以互相聯上, 但是只能說話
>>給對方, 但是聽不見對方的語音.
>>至于Netmeeting, 我試過這個意大利人寫的 H.323 module.
>>我們的IP Masq Server用的是Linux kernel-2.2.19, with ipchains-1.3.10-15.
>>("rc.firewall"基本上是照搬Linux IP Masquerade HOWTO上的)
>>如果你們有任何一個聊天軟件的成功經驗的話, 不妨交流一下.
>>如果我要自己設定port forwarding rules的話, 應該怎樣設? 對于任何一個聊天軟件,
>>比如, V2 Communicator, 我應該怎樣去找哪些port我需要forward?
>>也許, post在這裡有點off-topic, 但是我找了很多地方, 都沒有好的解決辦法.

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