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ぃタ盽耞絬┮玂痙场... (锣更)

¡i ¥H¤U¤å¦rÂà¸ü¦Û james001 ªº«H½c ¡j
¡i ­ì¤å¥Ñ share/doc/pppoe/readme.debian, ©Òµoªí ¡j
2. edit /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider
I have added a line on the top:
user james01@ultraline

3. edit /etc/init.d/network
The file is originally empty, I have added a line
ifconfig eth0 up

4. edit /etc/init.d/ppp: from readme.debian:
Find the line in the 'start' section that starts pppd and replace the word
'provider' by 'dsl-provider'. That line should now look like:
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/pppd -- call dsl-provider

there is no such line... but I have replaced all "provider" with DSL provider.

5. create /etc/ppp/ppp_on_boot
This is unnecessary so I didn't do that.

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